Rejecting the Cornerstone | One-Minute Homily

by | Oct 4, 2020 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Do we continue to reject the stone that became the Cornerstone? Martin Ngo, SJ, reflects on recognizing Christ in our world today. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 4, 2020.

Pop-quiz! Who are the builders that rejected the stone that became the cornerstone?

Hi, I’m Martin, and this is my One-Minute Homily.

Answer: All of us.

Don’t get me wrong, none of us would announce that we promote injustice. But, unfortunately, in so many ways we are complicit to the systemic inequalities that result in the beating, killing, and turning away of God’s servants; of Jesus in those most vulnerable today.

The rich symbol of a lush vineyard represents the house of Israel. That’s our house; the house of God’s people; the house of all humankind. The harsh words of Matthew’s Gospel today were directed towards those in positions of power.

Who among us doesn’t have some level of power? It’s not easy, but we need to be aware of the ways we are privileged. For instance, this little white tab gives me crazy privilege; often, I’m at God’s feet begging for the grace to face my weaknesses, and to love boldly and live humbly like Christ each day.

Let’s not be afraid to ask for this grace that comes from our Cornerstone.


Martin Ngo, SJ   /   @marteensj   /   All posts by Martin
