I doubt this will help your productivity, but it sure will be entertaining…
1. When you wake up and realize that you just dreamed the alarm went off because you’re anxious…
2. When you look up to take a breath and the teacher catches your eye like you were cheating…
3. When your buddy asks you a question you don’t know the answer to on the way to the final…
4. When you see a question you know the teacher never mentioned…
5. When you know the answers to all the questions, you be like…
6. When you have an answer on the tip of your tongue but it just won’t come…
7. When everyone starts turning in the final and you’re not even close, but you stayed up all night studying…
8. When you realize you have been defeated, but you still have so much left to go…
9. When you see a grade and suspect the teacher tampered with the evidence…
10. When you see “Have a great break!” at the end of a test…
Feature image courtesy FlickrCC user Matthieu Y.