Rejoice in the Regeneration: 50 years of Dr. Who

by | Mar 29, 2013 | Uncategorized

Doctor Who Entertainment Cover
Doctor Who Entertainment Cover

50 Years of Doctor Who

March 30th is finally here!  The fast is over.  New life begins again.  Rejoice in the Regeneration.  Yes, that’s right, regeneration.  Not Easter,  don’t get ahead of yourself!  I’m talking about Doctor Who.  The second half of season seven starts today! 1  OK, compared to the 2,000 plus year anniversary of the Church, 50 years doesn’t seem like much. While a Time Lord’s regeneration pales in comparison to the resurrected Christ,  I will break my Lenten fast with an exciting episode of Doctor Who this Easter.  Don’t misunderstand me. I haven’t actually fasted from Doctor Who this Lent (giving up sweets was challenging enough!).  I’ve been celebrating the 50th anniversary by reading Doctor Who novels, watching as many episodes as I can get my hands on, and listening to new audio adventures and fan-produced podcasts.  The year is still young and you can join me.  Trust me, its bigger on the inside!

Where should you start?

Check out the new audio adventures produced by Big Finish featuring many of the original Doctors and companions from the classic series.

On a budget (or took a vow of poverty)? 

No worries.  You can geek out by downloading Big Finish’s FREE podcasts, produced by super fan Toby Hadoke who is attempting to relate an anecdote from every televised Doctor Who episode.  You can also download the FREE podcast from Splendid Chaps, which features a different Doctor each month in a highly entertaining manner.

Want a good read? 

Download the FREE cleverly entitled Fish Fingers and Custard fanzine, Whotopia or archived Time Space Visualizer (TSV) fanzines.  Or read some FREE fan fiction at the Doctor Who Project.

Living in Yankee Territory?

If you’re lucky enough to have access to BBC America, check out their monthly Doctor Who specials.  Make tomorrow extra special with a viewing of a classic Pertwee episode in colour! 2

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  1. We’ll see a new companion, new aliens and the return of a classic alien (click here for a spoiler), all within the context of the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who.
  2.  Oh, and if those aliens seems familiar, it’s because the BBC pulled an old “Easter trick” and resurrected them when it kick started the new series with Rose.
