What do you consume? | One-Minute Homily

Many people are concerned with the food they put in their bodies, but how many consider what they put in their minds? Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how consuming Jesus in the Eucharist empowers us to be the presence of grace in the world. Based on the readings of...

Back to the Basics | One-Minute Homily

Bread is often the basic element of any meal. Fr. Joseph Dickan, SJ, reflects on how when Jesus says he is the “bread of life,” he is reminding us that he is the fundamental necessity of our lives. Based on the readings from the Nineteenth Sunday in...

Do Spectacular Things | One-Minute Homily

We watch the Olympics because we want to witness athletes do incredible feats. Conan Rainwater, SJ, reflects on how we can all do spectacular things through Christ. Based on the readings from the Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Can you do spectacular things? Hi,...

Bringing All to the Table | One-Minute Homily

Jesus turned a small gift into an abundance that fed thousands. Brian Kemper, SJ, reflects on how are called to bring all our gifts to Jesus so they can be transformed and used by the Lord. Based on the readings for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What do we...