Bringing All to the Table | One-Minute Homily

Jesus turned a small gift into an abundance that fed thousands. Brian Kemper, SJ, reflects on how are called to bring all our gifts to Jesus so they can be transformed and used by the Lord. Based on the readings for the Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What do we...

Gathering or Scattering | One-Minute Homily

We live in a world full of division. Ian Peoples, SJ, reflects on how Christians are called to remain close to Christ, who calls all people to follow him. Based on the readings for the Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time. Do you gather? Or do you scatter? Hi, I’m Ian...

Trust is a Two-Way Street | One-Minute Homily

In today’s gospel, Jesus instructed the disciples not to bring supplies like extra food and clothing. Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on how we’re called to trust God because God has entrusted himself to us. Based on the readings for the Fifteenth Sunday in...