Humberto (Beto) Guzmán Parra, SJ / Feb 10, 2023 / Religious Life, Spirituality ~ Approx. 5 mins
“Why are you crying, Beto,?” Irma said to me. And when I looked into her eyes, it was even more difficult to try to answer her promptly. At that moment I wanted to speak, but a lump in my throat would not let me say a simple word because of all the mixed...
Steve Molvarec, SJ / Sep 22, 2022 / A Deacon's Diary, Religious Life, The Jesuits ~ Approx. 5 mins
This is the sixteenth installment of A Deacon’s Diary. In the fifteen installment, Steve heard his first confessions. I. It was a summer of firsts (and lasts). First Mass(es). First confessions. First blessings. First weddings. First days and weeks as a priest. Last...