Taylor Fulkerson, SJ / Oct 4, 2019 / Amazon Synod, Creation, Global Catholicism, Pope Francis ~ Approx. 4 mins
Back in July, I tried to excavate the part of the Pan-Amazonian Synod working document that seems to cause the most anxiety for some: the ordination of married men. While this and other concerns about the agenda have been circulating, they are in large part...
Daniel Mascarenhas, SJ / May 24, 2019 / Creation, Faith & Politics, Pope Francis, Science & Technology, Spirituality ~ Approx. 4 mins
As we approach the fourth anniversary of Laudato si’ on May 24, I ask myself: “What have I done to care for creation?” Pope Francis’ encyclical continued the tradition of counter-cultural exhortations of the Christian faith that call us to live a life that God...