For this reason, it depends on faith, so that it may be a gift …
—Romans 4:16, from the readings for the Solemnity of Saint Joseph
Do I trust God’s promises? Am I willing to accept the gifts that God gives and not just the gifts that I ask for? In difficult or confusing times, do I trust in God’s faithfulness? Have I received—as a gift—the faith of Abraham and Joseph? Do I pray for it?
Ours is a God of promise. Our faith is a gift received. Today we remember St. Joseph, a faithful husband who initially had his doubts but grew to trust in God, and (like Abraham before him) chose to hope against hope.
Sit with St. Joseph today. Imagine yourself looking up at the stars with him on that long night when he awoke from a dream and decided to accept the unacceptable, when he decided to take Mary, mysteriously and scandalously pregnant, as his wife. Look up at the sky and remember God’s faithfulness, his promise to Abraham that his descendants would be like the stars, and hope against hope knowing that you are among them.