Is it right to choose who should die?
Posts in Topics
Taylor Swift: DON’T ‘Shake It Off’
Should we accept a world where the victim is the one on trial? Taylor Swift didn’t.
Arrupe College: Greater Love than Fear
Graduations happen all the time. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on attending one that’s never happened before.
I’m Not Welcome Here
What does it feel like to be unwelcome and unwanted in your home community?
What do the responses to the Charlottesville terrorist attack tell us about ourselves?
Everything is (NOT) Satisfactual
Is it a good idea to bring back a racist children’s movie?
Interview with James Martin, SJ: Part II
James Martin, SJ, speaks about the part of his book no one is talking about.
Bridging Truth and Love: An Interview with James Martin, SJ
TJP sits down with James Martin, SJ to talk about his new book, Building a Bridge.
When I Drink
Having a drink can help you unwind, but what if it becomes a crutch? Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, shares how his social drinking has evolved into a burden.
Free and Brave
After rereading the lyrics of ‘The Star Spangled Banner,’ Eric Immel SJ discovers a new question worth answering.