Election season can be difficult. The intense rhetoric and heightened polarization of today’s society can strain our personal relationships or disrupt our inner peace. In this new miniseries, Ty Wahlbrink, SJ, offers practical suggestions for how the wisdom of the Spiritual Exercises can help cultivate a discerning spirit as we navigate another election cycle.
Posts in Current Events
The hidden ‘presence’ of Jesuits at the National Eucharistic Congress
Where were the Jesuits at the National Eucharistic Congress? John Stein, SJ explains that while the Jesuit presence may have seemed thin, the Jesuit contribution and charism was indeed present at the Congress—it was simply hidden.
The Reality of Cheap Chicken and the Overlooked Misery of our Animals
Many people eat chicken without knowing the harrowing realities of factory farms. Daniel questions whether Christians, in light of the Beatitude to show mercy, can continue to eat factory-sourced meat.
Shooting Dogs and Eating Meat: Towards a Consistent Ethic of Animal Life
The recent outcry over Governor Noem’s shooting of her hunting dog exposes an inconsistency with our deep love for animals. Daniel questions whether we as Christians can pamper some pets while also eating factory-farmed meat.
The Seven First Words of Jesus
As we enter the final days of Advent, Patrick takes a closer look at a popular Gospel passage that may offer some clues as to what may have been the first seven words of Jesus.
What Ought I Do About My Carbon Footprint?
Care for creation is a massive undertaking, but that does not mean we can shirk our responsibility, as Pope Francis reminds us in his recent exhortation Laudate Deum.
The Potlucks of Vatican II
The recent Synod on Synodality has been referred to as a fulfillment of the desires of Vatican II. Reflecting on this historic moment in the history of the Church, Patrick presents a helpful framework to better understand the fruits of the historic council.
Who is responsible for the dead in Gaza and Israel? We are.
The Israel-Hamas war is a tragedy fostered by centuries of anti-Semitism and decades of the forced displacement of millions of Palestinians. Erin Kast reflects on the West’s responsibility in this war and urges Christians to embrace the side of peace.
Waiting in Hope for Universal Kindness
As Christians, we have a hope in God’s coming kingdom that Jesus preached. That kingdom encompasses all creation, including all animals.
Laudate Deum: An Overview
Eight years after Laudato Si, Pope Francis has published a new document on the environment, Laudate Deum. Nate Cortas, SJ offers an overview of how Francis reasserts our shared call to care for our common home.