The MLB is resuming later this month, and it will be a relatively breathless 60-game dash to the World Series.
Posts in Current Events
“Why do you have to make everything about race?”
We need to acknowledge the impact of race on just about every aspect of American life.
DACA Supreme Court Decision: Uncertain Hope for Dreamers
The Supreme Court’s ruling offers temporary relief for young migrants. Legislation is needed for a permanent fix.
Decisión de la Corte Suprema sobre DACA: Esperanza Incierta para los Dreamers
La opinión de la Corte Suprema ofrece un alivio temporal para los jóvenes inmigrantes. Hace falta legislación para una solución permanente.
Juneteenth: A Day of Hope
June 19th is remembered as the day that slavery ended in the South. The hope it calls forth must be met with a challenge us all to ask: Who do we want to be for each other?
Imagining a Better Economy Post COVID-19
The coronavirus pandemic has broken our habits of consumption. Now is a time to reassess so that we can create an economy that is healthier for the environment and better serves people’s needs.
6 Guidelines I’ve Learned for Talking About Race
It is easy to feel helpless when it comes to racism, but conversation is essential. These guidelines can help facilitate engagement on race, especially for white people.
Police Brutality and the Just War
As the police, National Guard, and potentially the military engage against protestors in American cities, we are left with the question: is this just?
Open Letter to a Friend Waking Up to Racism
Welcome to the resistance, here’s how to proceed.
Carta Abierta a un Amigo(a) que Despierta Ante el Racismo
Bienvenido(a) a la resistencia, así es cómo debes proceder.