Jesuit Brother Ken Homan ponders what could happen at the next Jesuit general congregation.
Posts in Global Catholicism
A Saint for the Broken
What kind of saint is still seeking God?
Waging Peace Through Friendship
World Friendship Day sounds like a Hallmark gimmick, but Michael Rossmann, SJ describes its importance and explains what helps global friendships happen.
More Than Spanish: 7 Things a VP Candidate Might Learn From a Year of Service Abroad
Hillary Clinton announced Jesuit-educated Tim Kaine as her running mate last weekend and the media went wild. Brendan Busse, SJ shines some light on what the popular stories are missing.
Mercy: What the World Needs Now
The world is a broken place. In describing one act of worship and mercy, Dan Everson, SJ shows that this is just what we need.
10 Reasons to Go to (or Follow) World Youth Day
It’s the biggest Catholic party of the summer. Michael Rossmann, SJ gives ten reasons you should go to World Youth Day (or at least follow it from home).
Building a Nation
East Timor forges the long road of nation-building. Andy Nguyen, SJ reflects on being a foreigner who tried to do something useful for this young country.
7 Practices the Catholic Church Can Learn from Ikea
We’re interested in souls, not sales, but Michael Rossmann, SJ writes that the Catholic Church could still learn from a company like Ikea.
Meet the Most Vulnerable: What We Can Learn from Refugees
“You’ve got it wrong, Mr. Trump!” Brian Strassburger, SJ, explains why refugees REALLY flee. Their stories are heartbreaking — and true.
Bedroom Window Spirituality
The daily sights and sounds around us influence what grabs our hearts and how we pray, writes Michael Rossmann, SJ.