Sin and violence has its own terrible internal logic, and the torture report shows us that we’re trapped in it.

All posts by Sam Sawyer, SJ
Sam was ordained a priest in 2014. As one of the co-founders of TJP, Sam kept the servers running and explained to other editors why "just move that box over there" was not as simple as it sounded. He's grateful that using his technology talents for the service of the Gospel wasn't limited just to fixing computers for other Jesuits. He currently works at America Media.
Joined in 2011 @ssawyersj
42 postsBetween #BlackLivesMatter and #AllLivesMatter
#Hashtags matter. Sam Sawyer on being called to conversion.
Around the Web for Ignatius Day
Whether you’re celebrating Harry Potter’s birthday or Ignatius’s feast day (or both!), we’ve got you covered.
On Syria: Praying Because We Don’t Know What to Hope for
In the face of real tragedy and suffering, is praying for peace a real answer? Or is it just a cop-out to avoid hard choices?
Asking for More
Young people drawing away from the Church? No: if we learn to listen, they’re asking us for something more.
5 Reasons to Pay Attention to WYD 2013
We’ve got all the links you’ll need to follow Magis & WYD 2013 — and the reasons to click them, too.
Worth Reading: Lumen Fidei, Hot Off the Presses
Somewhere there’s a song that calls three a magic number. Sam Sawyer reports on Lumen Fidei, the third of BXVI’s/first of Francis’ papal encyclicals.
Citando al Papa y perdiendo el punto
El papa Francisco habló de un lobby gay y los ateos – pero el encabezado dejó a lado la parte realmente sensacional.
Quoting the Pope and Missing the Point
Pope Francis has been talking about the “gay lobby” and heaven for atheists — but any headlines leading with those quotes are missing the real story.