TJP editors have already received (and rejected) Sam Sawyer’s request for a new iPad to “test the TJP website.” Can you say Angry Birds addiction?

All posts by Sam Sawyer, SJ
Sam was ordained a priest in 2014. As one of the co-founders of TJP, Sam kept the servers running and explained to other editors why "just move that box over there" was not as simple as it sounded. He's grateful that using his technology talents for the service of the Gospel wasn't limited just to fixing computers for other Jesuits. He currently works at America Media.
Joined in 2011 @ssawyersj
42 postsThe Point of Beauty
Sam Sawyer makes a point about pointlessness. Yeah, he’s that good!
There and Back Again
Bored with weepy vampires and needy werewolves? Join Sam Sawyer as he wanders back into J.R.R. Tolkein’s Middle Earth.
Who Writes Your Operating System?
Sam Sawyer mines the baby-video-on-YouTube genre for some insights into how God engineers the soul.
“And we’re back…” — TJP Site Updates
Were you visiting The Jesuit Post after the Super Bowl? You might have seen our “please come back soon; we’re upgrading the site” notice. Well, just like Tom Coughlin’s career, we’re back!
“Find a quiet place…”
His head spinning after the TJP launch, editor Sam Sawyer looks to Pope Benedict’s World Communications Day message for some clarity, and some silence.