On the Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, Mark reflects on the ways Franciscan spirituality seeded and nurtured his Jesuit vocation.

All posts by Mark Mackey, SJ
Mark is currently in Regency at Loyola University Chicago where he teaches environmental science and ecospirituality in the School of Environmental Sustainability. He is happiest outside, especially while catching critters. He never thought he’d consider his hometown of Cincinnati as “in the South” until he started living through Chicago winters.
Joined in 2022 mmackeysj@thejesuitpost.org
8 postsThis Earth Day, See Earth with Resurrection Eyes
For Earth Day, Mark reminds us that our advocacy for the planet can and should be rooted in prayer.
Intro to the Spiritual Exercise: The Third and Fourth Week
The Third and Fourth Weeks of the Spiritual Exercises has us reflect on the great pain of the death of Jesus and the joy in his resurrection. The common thread is that both of these events express the great love of God. This week Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, takes us through...
Intro to the Spiritual Exercises: The Second Week
The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises is all about getting to know Jesus. Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, guides us through how we get to know Jesus as a role model and a friend in this week's episode of the Intro to the Spiritual Exercises. https://youtu.be/IjWiEDtLhjA...
Intro to the Spiritual Exercises: The First Week
The First Week of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius can be intense. We are reminded that we are sinners...but this is to remind us of the great love and mercy of God. Join Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, as we continue to explore the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. It...
The First Principle and Foundation
St. Ignatius knew that we have to build ourselves on a firm foundation. This week Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, helps us to understand St. Ignatius' First Principle and Foundation. You know, a lot of us learn from a relatively young age the importance of building on a solid...
Intro to the Spiritual Exercises: Freedom
What does is it mean to truly be free? Br. Mark Mackey, SJ, continues to lead us through an introduction to the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius of Loyola, in which Ignatius calls for us to shed from ourselves the things that hold us down. What’s keeping you from...
One-Minute Homily: “Rise and Shine”
Got Coffee? What other fuel do we need to stay awake and be vigilant for Christ? Take a minute and check out this week's (extremely brief) reflection with Brother Mark Mackey, SJ based on the Sunday Readings for November 12, 2017: http://bit.ly/2z21zaP