Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ goes back to school, finds himself in a freshman Spanish class and remembers how uncool being cool can be.

All posts by Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ
Keith grew up on Long Island, NY (not in) and first encountered the Jesuits at Fairfield University where he studied history and education. A graduate of Loyola University in Chicago, Keith ministered at the College of the Holy Cross in Worcester, Massachusetts for two years and then studied theology at the Jesuit School of Theology in Berkeley, CA. He was ordained a priest in 2018.
Joined in 2013 @Hollathecollar
0 postsNow and Then: What are you doing next year?
On campus at Holy Cross Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ is beginning to hear the question every college senior dreads: “What are you doing next year?” He finds an answer unfolding in the present–the sacred now.
¿Sólo porque es nuestro tiene que ser inútil?
¿Alguna vez has pedido perdón antes de hacer una pregunta en clase? Keith Maczkievicz, SJ se pregunta quién te enseñó a hacer eso… y luego te anima a dejar de hacerlo.
Because it’s ours must it be worthless?
Have you ever apologized before asking a question in class? Keith Maczkiewicz, SJ wonders who taught you to do that…and then encourages you not to.
Being a Human Being, or “I Don’t Know Anything”
“As I walked home I began to recognize that the invitation to be so often rides in tandem with my desire to do, and would overtake it, if I’d only let it.”
How God Looks at Us
In those tearful moments, at the end of a long day, I was sure of something: like a new parent at the window of a hospital nursery, God marvels at us. And lingers.
What Lies Beneath (Unearthing Desire, Unearthing Ourselves)
“Severe”, “unfriendly” – the words hit too close to home. So I went back to dig around: what’s the desire underneath my reluctance? What do I want?
Holding Out for What’s Special
This can’t be what extraordinary looks like, I think. But it can. And it’s the holding out for something so perfectly special that keeps me from missing what’s right before me.
How Long is Too Long?
I did not call up my formerly-very-good-friends because I was more or less paralyzed by one question: how long is too long before giving up hope of reconnecting?