Have you ever struggled for the perfect words in prayer? You aren’t alone.

All posts by Colten Biro
From the swamps of southern Louisiana, Colten met the Jesuits at Spring Hill College in Mobile, AL, where he studied political science and English. He later earned his Master’s of Arts in English from Saint Louis University. Colten left the Society of Jesus in 2019.
Joined in 2015 cbirosj@thejesuitpost.org @cbirosj
0 posts“Avengers: Endgame” – From Heartbreak to Hope
“Avengers: Endgame” brings a satisfying conclusion to the 22 movies from Marvel Studios over the last eleven years. Confronting the evil of Thanos, all of the Avengers, including Captain America, Thor, and Iron Man, struggle with their motivations as they move from heartbreak to hope. The film is less about “how” the heroes will defeat Thanos, and more about the “why” that motivates them all.
Seeking Beauty in the Busy
Many days we allow our productivity to take over and devour the beautiful moments in our day. What happens when we take pause at the end of the day to reflect on the beauty we may have missed?
One-Minute Homily: “Surprised by Jesus”
Are you open to being surprised by Jesus? Colten Biro, SJ, points out how Jesus interacts with his friends after the Resurrection and encourages us to be open to one of these encounters during the Easter season. Based on the readings for Sunday, April 28, which you...
Easter for the Heavy-Hearted
It’s been a heavy Holy Week. What does that mean for Easter?
Predictions for “Avengers: Endgame”
Marvel Studios will release “Avengers: Endgame” on April 26th, and everyone wants to know: what is coming? Superheroes, from Iron Man and Captain America to Black Panther and Captain Marvel, teach us about humanity and the ethics behind our actions. So how will the conclusion of this phase of the Marvel Cinematic Universe play out? Here are three theories that would provide meaningful insights into our own humanity.
Without Perfect Words
Love doesn’t require a rough draft. It requires us to follow the pull of our heart into the mess of another’s life.
Do Lent, Not Push-Ups
Lent should be a time of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving. Not 40 days of “Catholic Self-Help!” How are you preparing for Easter and the Resurrection?
The Beatitudes Within “The Umbrella Academy”
Connecting the Beatitudes with Netflix’s newest superhero show, “The Umbrella Academy,” based on the popular comic book series.