It’s been almost two years since the official declaration of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Stress and anxiety are at an all time high. What does a 14th century mystic have to teach us?

All posts by An Hoang Vu, SJ
An Hoang Vu, SJ was born and raised in Vietnam. He immigrated to the U.S. with his family when he was about 18 years old. Having two identities as well as two places to call “home,” his mind and heart have been captured by the fullness of life in each place. Eventually, An became attracted to the beauty of different spiritualities around the world. He practices Zen meditation, and it has enriched his life and vocation as a Jesuit. He is currently studying Christian Spirituality at Fordham University, hoping to dwell deeper in the secret and sacredness of life that flows through each and every being in this world.
Joined in 2020
7 postsWhere Dreams and Fears Collide: Lessons from a Song
We’ve all faced failure in our lives—whether in relationships, sports, school, or jobs–and those experiences can make us afraid to take risks. But if we allow ourselves to take leaps of faith, God does beautiful things.
Who Am I? A Search for Identity and Purpose
At some point in our lives, we all confront the question, “who am I?” We need other people to help us find the answer. An Vu tells us why.
Touring a Funeral Home Helped Me Understand St. Ignatius Better
Death is the end of a journey, but also the beginning of a new one. Like a river, life continues to flow, so I can either try to stay stagnant and fight against the stream of life or let myself be carried to a new tributary.
Cancel Culture: Walking the Line Between Mercy and Justice
I’m living in the time of cancel culture. I notice that the news about cancel culture often triggers my temper because of how outrageous it can be. Although anger can be righteous whenever the news about cancel culture triggers my temper, I immediately want to react with everything I have. I want to ostracise the thing that causes harm to me and society. Those things do not deserve to exist, and, by wiping them out, society will be better, at least that’s what I think.
Socrates, Ignatius of Loyola, and Social Media Etiquette
In this Holy Week, I remember Jesus’s words on the cross, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they do.” I ask for forgiveness, for the damage that I have caused unknowingly, and I forgive those who have damaged me with their words and actions. Join me as I reflect how an ancient Greek philosopher and a late-medieval Spanish Basque Priest guide me on using social media for the greater good.
Longing to be: “Hamilton” and the Legacy of an Immigrant
The Broadway hit musical “Hamilton” tells the lesser-known story of one of the immigrant Founding Fathers. Inspired by the musical, An Vu reflects on his own journey immigrating to the United States from Vietnam.