In Spain, where I live, the Jesuits sell both calendars and board games. The calendar includes a daily quote, usually a small reflection on something about Church history or teaching. The board game is meant to spark group conversations about faith, vocation, and...
What would you do to obtain a great treasure? What are we willing to do for the sake of the Kingdom of God? William Manaker, SJ, reflects on the value of the Kingdom of God through the parable of the treasure in the field. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 30,...
Ten years ago this Saturday, Pope Francis spoke these five simple words that reverberated around the world: “Who am I to judge?”. Then a relatively new pontiff, this was his comment in response to a reporter who inquired about a “gay lobby” in the Vatican. Francis...
In 1992, Pope Saint John Paul II gave a speech recognizing that the Catholic Church’s condemnation of Galileo, a famous 17th-century astronomer, was mistaken. Galileo held that the Earth revolved around the sun rather than the sun around the Earth. This was a point of...
Weeds or wheat? Too often we might look at the field of our lives and only focus on the weeds, Jesus looks at the wheat. Austin Kleman, SJ, reflects on the parable of the weeds among the wheat. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 23, 2023. By what shall you be...
How can we learn the language of God? The same as with any other language, with time and practice. Tom Elitz, SJ, preaches on learning the language of God in today’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 16, 2023. Wanna learn Spanish? I...
Jesus reminds us of the wisdom of the little ones among us. One thing that kids know better than adults is how to ask for help. Eric Immel, SJ, reflects on our need to ask for help and hand our burdens over to Jesus. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 9, 2023....
Jesus wants us to love him first and foremost. What about other people in our lives? William Manaker, SJ, reminds us that putting Jesus first helps us to love others better. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 2, 2023. If you want to love someone, love Jesus first....
Relationships require love and commitment from both people. We can’t force others to love us, or else it’s not really love. Joe Nolla, SJ, reflects on the love of God, who doesn’t require but desires our love in return. Based on the readings for...
Each year we celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary on the day after we celebrate the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It is this Immaculate Heart of Mary that allowed her to give her “fiat” or her yes to the angel Gabriel. The heart of Mary can...