Grace in Vulnerability | One-Minute Homily

by | Mar 23, 2025 | One-Minute Homily

Have you ever of thought of God’s grace as water for our soul? Eric Panicco, SJ, reflects on how repenting of our sins helps us soak up God’s fresh grace. Based on the readings for the Third Sunday of Lent.

Repenting is a vulnerable act.

Hi, I’m Eric Panicco, and this is my one-minute reflection.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus addresses his followers’ misunderstanding of suffering and sin. Jesus refuses all invitations to judge who has the greater sin. Instead, he tells the crowds that they will all perish if they do not repent. This week, we receive that invitation anew.

Repenting is a vulnerable act—coming to grips with our own brokenness is a painful process, but we are not alone. In our vulnerability, God shares his grace with us. The fig tree in Jesus’ parable today gets to soak up fresh nutrients from the soil. Similarly, when we repent, we soak up God’s fresh grace.

This week, we continue our journey through Lent, which leads to Jesus’ passion, in which he experienced the depths of human vulnerability.

Let us pray for the grace to share in that vulnerability.


Eric Panicco, SJ   /   All posts by Eric
