What Drives You? | One-Minute Homily

by | Jun 23, 2024 | One-Minute Homily

We can find motivation in many things, but do we find it in the love of Christ? Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how Christ’s love impels us to love and serve. Based on the readings for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

What drives you?

Hi, I’m Josef Rodriguez, and this is my One-Minute Reflection.

There can be many things that drive us: justice, order, success, fame, wealth, power. Whatever drives us influences the decisions that we make, the relationships we invest in, the principles and the ethos that we adhere to.

In Paul’s 2nd Letter to the Corinthians, he says that the love of Christ impels us. This is a love that Christ manifested by laying down his life for his friends.

Following Christ isn’t simplified to adhering to the nice teachings of an ethics guru. It means being driven by a love that has made us “a new creation,” as Paul says, something made possible through sacrificial love. Imagine how renewed our communities would be if we let ourselves be driven by this kind of love. So
again I ask, what drives you?


Josef Rodriguez, SJ

jrodriguezsj@thejesuitpost.org   /   All posts by Josef
