We are constantly surrounded by noise and it can be hard to get away from. Dan Finucane, SJ, reflects on the music behind the noise and asking for the faith to hear it. Based on the readings for Sunday, October 2, 2022.
Listen! God’s beautiful music is all around.
Hi, my name is Dan Finucane and this is my one-minute reflection.
Our world is awash in noise and violence. Political strife and polarization, crime, war. We see this when we scroll through social media and the news.
This can all feel normal and inevitable, just “the way things are.” We can become cynical, harden our hearts, and feel that our faith is waning.
But if we listen carefully, there is music playing underneath the noise. God’s vision, of justice, mercy, and peace, is made flesh in Jesus. And it continues to be sung in the lives of Christians who root their mustard seed faith in prayer, love, and service of Him. This vision, as Habbakuk tells us today, will not disappoint.
This vision, this song, is ours too. Let us ask Jesus today, like the Apostles, to increase our faith. To not only hear the music, but to join the chorus of holy men and women with full voice.