The Pain of Change | One-Minute Homily

by | Jul 4, 2021 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Nobody likes change. That’s often why people rejected the message of Jesus and the prophets. Fr Eric Sundrup, SJ reflects on the pain of change and the message of Jesus. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 4, 2021.

Nobody likes change.

Hi I’m Fr. Eric Sundrup and this is my one-minute homily.

Let’s face it, nobody actually LOVES change. Change is painful. And the people call us out and force us to face the pain of change…They’re called prophets… and they’re often annoying.

In today’s Gospel, Jesus pulls out a popular old adage. “A prophet is not without honor except in his native place.”

Jesus has just been performing jaw dropping, eye-popping miracles in the nearby regions, and he gets back to his home turf and people are like… “Ummm no, we remember him from grade school, We’re not interested.”

It’s easier to tear into his past and background than accept that something new is brewing that might upset previously established and comfortable categories.

Why do we do that? 

I’d wager we are avoiding the pain of change. The challenge that will make us grow. Well, no pain, no gain. Let’s take some time today and ask God to help us face the music. Where do we need to hear the words of a prophet?


Eric Sundrup, SJ   /   @sunnydsj   /   All posts by Eric
