How to Win a Fight: Love One Another | One-Minute Homily

by | Sep 6, 2020 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Tensions continue to rise and many seem willing to start or jump into a fight. What do Jesus and Paul recommend? Love one another. Martin Ngo, SJ, reflects on our call to love God and neighbor in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 9, 2020.

What if I’m the one that’s wrong? Nah, that’s crazy.

Hi, I’m Martin, and this is my One-Minute Reflection.

We don’t hear that question much. We, myself included, are so quick to take sides and fight to the death for the better cause, or just because we swear we’re right. But think about it; how in the world would reconciliation happen in our very divided society if the only solution is who can shout the loudest, wait the longest, outsmart, out-spend, out-insult, out-shame the other side?

Was this the way Jesus intended reconciliation? Self-righteousness makes little room for self-reflection and even less room for real contrition.

Most of the verses in the Gospel today are spent on the work it takes to reconcile with one another, or another one. Paul amplifies Jesus, basically saying, “Don’t just not do harm to each other; go love one another” – the one great commandment of Jesus directly tied to loving God with all your heart, your being, and your strength.

We’re invited always to imagine letting compassion happen between us and someone who’s “not one of us.” And maybe that’s not so crazy.


Martin Ngo, SJ   /   @marteensj   /   All posts by Martin
