The Second Week (Part 1): Why We Walk This Path | Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat

by | Apr 8, 2020 | Holy Week, Seeking God: A Jesuit Retreat, Spirituality, Videos

The Second Week of the Spiritual Exercises is split into two episodes. This first one focuses on why we walk this particular path on our journey of faith, and not another. It begins with the Meditation on the Incarnation, and how God looks on the world with love and enters into it. Similarly, God enters into the messiness of our lives and enters into it. We constantly find evidence of God at work in our lives. Then this episode moves on to the Call of the King, a meditation in which we reflect on the compelling call of the voice of Jesus in our lives. Lastly, this episode presents the Meditation on the Two Standards, which sets up the competing calls in our life to “riches, honor, and pride,” or to “poverty, dishonor, and humility.”

  • Suggested texts:
    • John 1:35-45
    • Luke 5:1-11
    • Matthew 9:9-13
    • Matthew 4:1-11


  • Points for Reflection: Reflect on God’s activity in your life and the different voices that call out to you.
    • Meditation on the Incarnation: How does God enter into the messiness of your life? Where do you find evidence of God at work? In the silence of prayer? In the busyness of your everyday life?
    • Call of the King: Imagine a worldly leader, and then imagine Jesus. Where do you hear the voice of Jesus in your life? Where is Jesus calling you?
    • Two Standards: When are you tempted to pursue riches, honor, and pride in an unhealthy way? How is Jesus inviting you to deepen in poverty, dishonor, and humility?

Brian Strassburger, SJ   /   All posts by Brian
