One-Minute Homily: “The Gospel Doesn’t Always Feel Good”

by | Aug 25, 2019 | Uncategorized

The Good News doesn’t always feel so good, but it’s also much greater than a different understanding of religion, says Fr. Michael Rossmann, SJ in this week’s One-Minute Homily based on the Sunday readings that can be found here.

What’s most important is feeling good about oneself, right? Not exactly.  

Hi, I’m Fr. Michael Rossmann, and this is my One-Minute Homily. 

Christian Smith coined the term “moralistic therapeutic deism” to describe the beliefs of many young people. 

Our Gospel today rips apart this notion.

When asked whether only a few be saved, Jesus says, “Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough.”

Narrow gate? That’s scary. And striving? It doesn’t always feel good!

But the one who tells us to strive is the Savior of the world who gives us his Body and Blood as food for the journey. This is far better than the distant god of deism! 

Striving is more challenging than a therapeutic notion of religion, but nothing is more worthwhile than laboring so that Christ might be the Lord our lives and that others might know his challenging but Good News.


Michael Rossmann, SJ   /   @RossmannSJ   /   All posts by Michael
