1. You wish you could remember more than just the first verse of “O Come, O Come Emmanuel.”
2. You’re in solidarity with Mary because of your Thanksgiving-to-Christmas food baby.
3. You’re trying to stay in the spirit of Advent while hanging Christmas decorations and drinking peppermint mochas.
4. You watch every Christmas-themed movie that Netflix offers.
5. You really can’t wait for Christmas… break.
6. You’ve already eaten all the candy in your Advent calendar.
7. You briefly ponder why there aren’t more Advent songs before turning up the volume for Mariah Carey.
8. You use candles to keep track of the date.
9. You have fights over how the Nativity scene should be set up.
10. You know it’s a season of hope but still feel you should get to confession.
11. You put out all of your shoes in the hopes of a payday on December 6, the Feast of St. Nicholas.
12. You’re unsure whether or not you should be eating meat on Friday.