The Mesmerizing Majesty of Game of Thrones

by | Jul 17, 2017 | TV

The lights went off, the surround sound was cranked up. As soon as the intro music was heard, everyone started salivating and humming along to the powerful wind instruments. We couldn’t just hum, we had to move. We would almost break into some tribal dance as we prepared to watch. We were pretty giddy. It was like we were marching to the beat of the drum. It was mesmerizing!

This almost cult-like experience is what manifested itself during my first few weeks of being exposed to Game of Thrones, well after the first two or three seasons were completed. Huddling up with a handful of brothers in our community TV room to watch Thrones became an event. A tantalizing phenomenon. And last night, HBO did not disappoint with the premiere of Season 7.  As if it was those very first days, I was transported to Westeros, mesmerized once again.


The Thrones phenomenon is mesmerizing for four reasons:

First, the cinematography is out of this world! I am a huge fan of nature and its many varieties of forests, plains, and mountainsides. Thrones captures the wonderment of nature and the natural elements of fire, earth, wind, and water to the max. Who doesn’t love finding themselves taken to another beautiful world for an hour?

Second, the show moves seamlessly with the twists and turns of its rich plots and I am always intrigued to see what will happen in the next episode. Yes, many high market shows have a seamlessness and ease to them but not to the depth of creativity and mystery as Thrones does. That’s the advantage of a show placed in a world that looks like ours but has its own Medieval fantasy style and prose. For all this, I have never seen a boring episode, and isn’t that the point of good entertainment? Bore me not my sweet escape!

Third, the acting is very good, and the characters are well casted. I know I am not watching Days of Our Lives and I am forever thankful. Unlike a cheaply-made TV show, Thrones casts actors who exceptionally portray characters with an edge to them and a distinct personality that carries the drama and intensity of the show. The acting is so remarkable that I find myself forgetting the names of the actors themselves, quite a feat for us living in a culture obsessed with celebrities.

And this brings me to my last point – my own personal reaction to the excellent acting. It is really easy for me to root for some of the characters and loath other ones. The personalities of each major character have a real way of drawing out my affectivity – I can’t  help but have all kinds of visceral feelings towards the good, the bad, and the ugly. All these interior movements cause me to question where each persona resonates with my own.

I won’t name names of who makes me feel what way or what was my favorite moment of last night’s new episode. What I will do is say, last night’s episode has me ready for another thrilling season. Like so many across the globe, I’m already drawn back into the majestic world of Thrones – a world where I find myself an invested participant in a global masterpiece.


Image courtesy FlickrCC user Natty Dread.
