The Trinity & Pop-music

by | Jan 22, 2012 | Uncategorized

Mike Tompkins - Rolling in the Deep

St. Ignatius Loyola once had a mystical experience of the Trinity. In his characteristically spartan account he notes that his experience was like three notes making up one chord.  Perhaps this was the first of many Ignatian audio-visual presentations?

As odd as it seems, I really did think of that experience and of the Trinity when I stumbled upon a viral video this break.  Mike Tompkins uses some slick editing and video to do a cappella remixes of pop songs.  His presentation gives you a sense of how each part is unique and individual but, like all good music, links together to form one complete song.

I won’t go any further… mostly because I’ve been warned that speaking about the Trinity for more than 2 sentences leads you into an accidental heresy.

Never the less, check out Mike Tompkins – Rolling in the Deep and consider the Divine Majesty.


Eric Sundrup, SJ   /   @sunnydsj   /   All posts by Eric
