Jesus tells us that the greatest will be the least. Brian Kemper, SJ, reflects on embracing Christ’s call to self-forgetfulness in service to others. Based on the readings from the Twenty-ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time. What is holding us back from serving...
After graduate school and before becoming a Jesuit, I lived and volunteered for one year in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Living in community with other volunteers, we shared responsibilities, including cooking. Recent college grads are generally not known for their cooking,...
You probably know how long Jesuit formation takes – about eleven years – and what studies are required – philosophy and theology. You might not know that before ordination, the Jesuits provide additional spiritual training, commonly called “Arrupe Month.” This...
“Did you know that 25% of your carbon footprint comes from the meat and dairy in your diet? And that almost all the deforestation in the Amazon is because of the meat industry?” I probed gently during a conversation on care for creation. Climate change is the biggest...
If Laudato Si’ was a gentle and pastoral invitation to care for creation, Laudate Deum is a visceral, prophetic call to conversion. Eight years after Laudato Si’s initial publication, Pope Francis once again takes on the looming challenges of the climate crisis that...