Podcast Episode: In the Fourth Week of the Spiritual Exercises, we focus on the risen Christ. He has passed through the suffering of the cross and entered into his glory. Desiring that others share his joy, he goes about consoling all who were deeply shaken by his...
There may be no Ignatian term that is more misused than the word magis. Indeed, it is Latin and it does mean “more,” but that hardly gets to the Ignatian meaning of the term. That is because magis does not necessarily nor simply mean more. In fact, it often means...
I’ve never read a word of Richard Carlson’s viral self-help series, Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff…and it’s All Small Stuff, so let me be clear at the onset – I am not taking issue with the notion that life might be best spent learning how to discern what’s worth...
The following article is the latest of Dan’s reflections on prison ministry in Belize. His last article can be found here. When I walk into Belize Central Prison, the stench of human waste and sewage hits, wave after wave, the deeper into the compound I get. The...
At the end of every summer, Jesuits in the Midwest have to write a reflection letter to the delegate or director who oversees their formation. One way to look at this is as just another task to complete—another thing to write in the eleven year process of becoming a...