Are there limits to God’s love? We might feel unworthy of the love of God at times, but Christian Verghese, SJ, reminds us that God’s love for us is greater than we can imagine.
Posts in One-Minute Homily
The Eucharist: Food for the Journey | One-Minute Homily
The Eucharist is not a reward for the perfect, but is food meant to sustain us on our journey. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on the Eucharist on the Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ.
The Trinity: God is Love, Loving | One-Minute Homily
The Trinity is hard to comprehend and yet there is something about it that we all long for. Alex Hale, SJ, reflects on how the community of the Trinity speaks to our own desire to be unique members of a loving community.
Pentecost: Nobody is an Island | One-Minute Homily
Faith is not just an individual endeavor, it involves a community. Joe Nolla, SJ, reflects on Pentecost, when we celebrate the gift of the Holy Spirit sent to enliven an entire community of believers.
The Ascension: I Am With You, Always | One-Minute Homily
Sometimes it’s difficult to see God present in our world, especially in the face of tragedy, but Jesus promises to be with us always. Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on Jesus’ promise and God’s presence through community.
The Gift of the Holy Spirit | One-Minute Homily
Jesus promised to send an Advocate, the Holy Spirit. Have you ever thought about all the different images we have of the Holy Spirit? Fr. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reflects on these images and what they tell us about the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Rejected by the World, Not by Jesus | One-Minute Homily
Have you ever felt rejected by the world? Jesus does not reject you. Alex Hale, SJ, reflects on Jesus’ message to not let our hearts be troubled.
The Good Shepherd: Guardian of Souls | One-Minute Homily
Jesus is the Good Shepherd, the one who guards us and calls us by name. Christian Verghese, SJ, reflects on this image of Jesus and the beauty of being able to bring all of our joys and concerns to the guardian of our souls.
In a Universe So Vast, Do We Matter? | One-Minute Homily
Is it possible that we actually matter in the grand scheme of things? Yes. Joe Nolla, SJ, reflects on the infinite God that loves you infinitely more than you know.
Divine Mercy Sunday: Doors Unlocked | One-Minute Homily
Jesus appeared to the disciples behind locked doors and brought them peace. Christian Verghese, SJ, invites us to allow Jesus into the locked doors of our hearts.