Don’t despair. Jesus is with you. Angelo Canto, SJ, reflects on how Jesus is not deaf to our call for help.
Posts in One-Minute Homily
What Drives You? | One-Minute Homily
We can find motivation in many things, but do we find it in the love of Christ? Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how Christ’s love impels us to love and serve. Based on the readings for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
Patient Trust in the Slow Work of God | One-Minute Homily
God is always at work, but we don't always notice. Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on how the natural world teaches us about the sure but slow and often silent work of God. Based on the readings from the 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time. Have you...
A Kingdom United | One-Minute Homily
We live in a world divided. Carlos Martinez-Vela, SJ, reflects on how Jesus calls us to be brothers and sisters with one another without division.
Become What You Receive | One-Minute Homily
Why do we receive Communion right before Mass ends? Angelo Canta, SJ, reflects on how we’re sent from Mass to be the Body of Christ in the world.
A Walk in the Woods | One-Minute Homily
What can a walk through the woods teach us about the Holy Spirit? Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on nature’s capacity to teach us about God. Based on the readings from Pentecost Sunday.
Finding Joy | One-Minute Homily
Where do you find joy? Carlos Martinez-Vela reflects that God’s love is most often reflected through our everyday relationships. Based on the readings from the Seventh Sunday of Easter.
By Our Love | One-Minute Homily
Jesus said Christians should be known by their love. Angelo Canta, SJ, reflects on the call to love as a life-long process.
Conversion is Possible | One-Minute Homily
Can people truly change? Ian Peoples, SJ, reflects on Saul’s conversion to Paul is a model for our own conversions. Readings are from the Fifth Sunday of Easter.
Jesus, the Good Shepherd | One-Minute Homily
Jesus lays down his life for us, and he does it all with love. Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on how Jesus and the Father desire the same thing: to be in a relationship with us. Based on the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter.