Peter Folan looks at The Calling of Saint Matthew – or perhaps the Matthews – and what it might mean for our own calling.

All posts by Peter Folan, SJ
Peter has studied at Notre Dame University, Fordham University, and Boston College. He also taught at the University of Scranton. Peter was ordained a priest in 2013.
Joined in 2012
9 postsThe Advent Blues
The waiting is the hardest part, but Peter Folan describes how waiting is at the heart of this season before Christmas.
A Sower Went Out to Sow: Dan Harrington, SJ
“Dan” as he is known to generations of his students, colleagues, and brother Jesuits – was a peerless sower.
Consultation, Collegiality, and Creativity: What Pope Francis Learned about Authority
From his struggles as a young Jesuit superior, Pope Francis learned a non-authoritarian style of being a leader.
What Coaches Teach Us
March Madness has arrived, and with it Pete Folan has decided that it’s high time we celebrate good coaches.
Habemus Curriculum Vitae
So who is Pope Francis? Peter Folan has five quick notes on the new pontiff.
What Makes for “Papabile Autentico”
Peter Folan asks what it is that ought to make one “papabile.”
Opening Day
You have Pete Folan’s word that this is not an essay that pretends to be about baseball but is actually about Church. It’s really just about baseball… and April Fool’s day.
Practice Makes Perfect: Ignatius and The Big Game
Having just awoken from what must have been a buffalo-wing and guacamole induced trance, staff writer Peter Folan asks of this year’s Super Bowl, “Wait, were those highlights from the last one?”