What does the Supreme Court decision on the Trump travel ban really mean?

All posts by Nathaniel Romano, SJ
Nathaniel Romano SJ is studied theology at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, CA. He has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School and is a member of the state bars of Nebraska and Wisconsin. Nothing in this article is intended as legal advice or to solicit or otherwise establish an attorney-client relationship. Nate was ordained a priest in 2018.
Joined in 2012 nromanosj@thejesuitpost.org nromanosj
0 postsWhen Canaries Can’t Breathe: Sotomayor’s Justice from Below
“The life of the law has not been logic; it has been experience.” So wrote Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. in his magisterial treatment, The Common Law, nearly 140 years ago. More and more, it becomes apparent that so much of our legal system --...
In Memoriam: Antonin Scalia
Our own Nathaniel Romano SJ, reflects on the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia.
TJP Reads: Agent of Asgard
Our own Nate Romano, SJ contemplates comic books, redemption, and gods who shoot fish with bazookas.
Why the Supreme Court’s Health Care Decision Matters
Our own Nate Romano SJ offers some thoughts on why today’s Supreme Court decision on healthcare is a victory for the common good.
No SNAP for You!
Should the poor be banned from eating certain foods? Nate Romano explores what is really behind recent attempts to change what SNAP (more commonly known as food stamps) can be used for.
Outsourcing Rights
Can public-private collaboration go too far? Nathaniel Romano SJ wonders what happens when we blur the lines.
Religion as an Interactive Game
“Full, active, and conscious participation.” Nate Romano explores the interesting connections between interactive games and the practice of religion.
Public Humility, or Talking with One Another Again
How do we talk about justice when we don’t even really share the words?