How much is the worker who made your burger making? Nate Romano looks at recent developments in the labor movement and challenges workers face.

All posts by Nathaniel Romano, SJ
Nathaniel Romano SJ is studied theology at the Jesuit School of Theology of Santa Clara University in Berkeley, CA. He has a Juris Doctor degree from the University of Wisconsin Law School and is a member of the state bars of Nebraska and Wisconsin. Nothing in this article is intended as legal advice or to solicit or otherwise establish an attorney-client relationship. Nate was ordained a priest in 2018.
Joined in 2012 nromanosj
0 postsGlass Pixel Ceilings
Nate Romano, SJ, asks if virtual ceilings are just as tough to break as real ones…
Alternative Reality: X-Men and the Power of Fiction
What might another dimension tell us about living in this one?
The Price of Free Speech
Money talks, but is it speech? Nate Romano explores the recent Supreme Court decision regarding campaign contributions and what free speech really means.
In Support of a Voice for Student Athletes
Is unionization the way to save college sports? Nate Romano looks at the issues.
Worth Reading: A Mental Hospital Called Jail
If you think things seem like they never change, Nate Romano would like you to know about some important reforms happening in our prison system.
Worth Watching & Reading (& Playing!): Crowdsourcing Video Games
Online gaming just got a little wackier. Our Nate Romano invites you to take a look.
New Year, New Laws
If you think our legislative process is broken, Nate Romano invites you to consider it from another angle.
The Unemployment Crisis
With unemployment numbers telling only part of the story, Nate Romano looks at the dangers of cutting benefits for those still looking for work.