Every person is a pilgrim—a “work in progress.” Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how we can never forget that God will finish the good work he began in us. Based on the readings for the Second Sunday of Advent.

All posts by Josef Rodriguez, SJ
Josef Raoul Rodriguez, SJ, (a.k.a J-Rod) is an only child of Filipino parents. He was born in San Francisco, but grew up in New Jersey. He entered the Society of Jesus in 2016. He is currently teaching Philosophy at Creighton University. When not doing Philosophy, he is either composing or playing music, or delving into the culinary arts.
Joined in 2019 jrodriguezsj@thejesuitpost.org
16 postsWisdom and Freedom | One-Minute Homily
What is wisdom? Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how Christ calls us to freedom, and that is the heart of wisdom. Based on the readings for the Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
What do you consume? | One-Minute Homily
Many people are concerned with the food they put in their bodies, but how many consider what they put in their minds? Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how consuming Jesus in the Eucharist empowers us to be the presence of grace in the world.
What Drives You? | One-Minute Homily
We can find motivation in many things, but do we find it in the love of Christ? Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on how Christ’s love impels us to love and serve. Based on the readings for the Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time.
St. Paul, St. Ignatius, and Salesmen | One-Minute Homily
What do St. Paul and St. Ignatius have in common with a salesman? Josef Rodriguez, S.J. reflects on how St. Ignatius helped people find God at work in their lives.
Jesuit 101: The Ignatian Examen
The Examen Prayer is a staple of Ignatian Spirituality and St. Ignatius emphasized its importance in our daily routine. Learn more about its history and how it can help us all grow in our relationship with God.
Pentecost Sunday: The Holy Spirit Brings Peace | One-Minute Homily
It’s Pentecost Sunday! As we reflect on the gift of the Holy Spirit, Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reminds us that the Holy Spirit brings peace and forgiveness.
The Good Shepherd and His Flock | One-Minute Homily
Jesus is the Good Shepherd that lays down his life for his sheep. Josef Rodriguez, SJ, reflects on the love of our shepherd and the love that we must show others.
Palm Sunday: Carrying the Cross | One-Minute Homily
What can Simon of Cyrene teach us about the Passion?