I stopped drinking during the last semester of my regency, a stage of Jesuit formation where we work in a Jesuit institution. My last binge led me to see how my story with alcohol was going to end. If I kept on drinking, I would have left the Jesuits and continued deteriorating. In this “moment of clarity,” I decided that I needed to stop drinking in order to live. Though I am writing this anonymously, my story is a truth I carry with me. I am a Jesuit, and I am an alcoholic.

All posts by The Jesuit Post
The Jesuit Post features the contributions of young Jesuits from around the country. To see a full list of the TJP contributors click here.
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135 postsRe-Release of “Know Justice, Know Peace: A Jesuit Antiracism Retreat”
February 1st is the beginning of Black History Month. In order to help mark this month, The Jesuit Post is re-releasing “Know Justice, Know Peace: A Jesuit Antiracism Retreat.” Our re-release of the retreat includes translations of all twelve talks into both Spanish and French. Join us this month as we continue our process of conversion toward antiracism, in our own hearts and in our society at large.
The TJP Curriculum Guide: January 2021 Update
Since 2012, The Jesuit Post has offered a Jesuit, Catholic perspective on the contemporary world. Our team is comprised of young Jesuits seeking God in all things. Our work focuses on both sacred and secular issues because we are convinced that God’s does too. Over...
An Updated Resource: the TJP Curriculum Guide
TJP has an updated resource to share! Last Spring, we debuted the TJP Curriculum Guide. This guide includes articles and videos published by TJP, organized into twenty different themes, with hyperlinks to the content. This can be useful in classrooms, for retreats, for faculty formation, or however else you might find helpful. Check out the list of themes and download the updated TJP Curriculum Guide.
When I’m Social Distancing I Need Christ: Resources to Finding God During the Coronavirus Pandemic
In this moment of our history, the places where people would seek solace, tenderness and mercy, those doors have been closed. All for the safety of the community, indeed, and yet the void of these sacred spaces is quite felt.
A New Resource: the TJP Curriculum Guide
TJP has a new resource to share! We have received lots of feedback over the years from educators and ministers who use our content in the classroom, on retreats, and for faculty formation. Introducing, the TJP Curriculum Guide. This guide includes articles and videos published by TJP, organized by nearly twenty different themes, with hyperlinks to the content. Check out the list of themes and click the link to view and download the new TJP Curriculum Guide.
Our Catholic Valentines 2020
10 Catholics we want to send our love gratitude to on Valentine’s Day.
Top 7 Jesuit words and phrases | Ask Iggy
What are some of the most common Jesuit words and phrases that you hear in Jesuit institutions? Brian Strassburger, SJ, and Tucker Redding, SJ, list our top 7 and break down their deeper meaning in this episode of Ask Iggy. https://youtu.be/rkeAB6Zuuwk
Recap of the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 2019
This weekend in Washington DC was the Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice hosted by the Ignatian Solidarity Network. Two thousand students came from high schools and colleges around the country, along with a handful of international delegations. The theme for 2019 was “Radical Hope and Prophetic Action” and the event featured keynote speakers Sr. Peggy O’Neill, S.C., from the Center of Arts for Peace in El Salvador, Marcia Chatelain, Ph.D., from Georgetown University, and Reyna Montoya, CEO of Aliento.