
All posts by José Dueño Gorbea, SJ

José is a Jesuit from San Juan, Puerto Rico. He joined the Jesuits after graduating from New York University. He spent his first two years as a Jesuit in the Dominican Republic and then later went on to study philosophy at Centre Sèvres in Paris. He has also worked at America Media and has taught at the Colegio San Ignacio in Puerto Rico. He is currently studying theology at Boston College. In his spare time, he enjoys reading, watching movies, running and playing guitar.

Joined in 2021   /   4 posts   /   jduenosj@thejesuitpost.org

Happy Happy (Easter) Joy Joy

Happy Happy (Easter) Joy Joy

We asked The Jesuit Post contributors to share what Easter joy looks like for them. It got ridiculous really quickly: the Wendy’s frosty, an overly-excited view of a double rainbow, Carly Rae Jepson, etc. Share with us what Easter joy looks like for you.

Love in Camouflage

Love in Camouflage

A college basketball game, to have been played on Veterans Day 2012 between Marquette and Ohio State, was cancelled. Alarmist pacifist idealist critic Joe Hoover asks uncomfortable questions never the less.