At Christmas, we will celebrate the beauty of the Incarnation, when God became one of us. Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reminds us that we can experience a similar joy in the Eucharist.

All posts by Emmanuel Arenas, SJ
Raised in Park Ridge, IL, Emmanuel is the second of four children. He studied at Marquette University where he was involved in campus ministry, service trips, and Greek life. He came to know the Jesuits well during this time. After graduating, Emmanuel worked as a fixed income institutional sales assistant in Milwaukee, WI before entering the Society of Jesus in 2018. He is currently pursuing an MA in Philosophy and Theology for Ministry at Saint Louis University. In addition to his studies, Emmanuel teaches catechism at Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish and serves as the chaplain for the Saint Louis University baseball team.
Joined in 2021
19 postsKeeping Our Eyes On The Road | One-Minute Homily
When we are in the car, we have to keep our eyes on the road. When it comes to our faith, we have to keep our eyes on Jesus. Emanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on keeping focused and avoiding distractions in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
Zacchaeus: Having Confidence in Jesus | One-Minute Homily
Sometimes we are like Zacchaeus and sometimes we are like the crowd. Are there times when we have blocked people from seeing Jesus? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on the story of Zacchaeus and having confidence in Jesus.
Listen to God, then Take Action | One-Minute Homily
Is it enough to listen to God? Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reminds us that after we carefully listen to the word of God, we must put those words into action.
Returning to God for Healing and Mercy | One-Minute Homily
We know to go to a doctor when our body is injured. We need to turn to God when we’ve injured our souls. Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reflects on the healing power of God’s love and grace.
Sports, Prayer, and the Importance of Practice | One-Minute Homily
Any sport requires practice and discipline in order to get better. Prayer is the same way! Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, gives us some encouragement for developing our prayer lives in this week’s One-Minute Homily.
Jesus: Image of the Invisible God | One-Minute Homily
God is made visible to us in Jesus Christ. Emmanuel Arenas, SJ, reminds us that through the love of God, we continually have the opportunity to encounter Jesus in the Eucharist.
Day 9: Sr. Mary Antona Ebo | Saints of Color Novena
Join us for Day 9 of the Saints of Color Novena. Winnie Sullivan introduces us to Sister Mary Antona Ebo, a woman who dedicated herself to the compassionate service of others and stood as a beacon of justice.
Day 8: St. Martín de Porres | Saints of Color Novena
Join us for Day 8 of the Saints of Color Novena! Br. Jacob Mazur-Batistoni, O.P. is going to introduce us to Saint Martín de Porres, the patron saint of social justice, racial harmony, and mixed-race people.