Being a disciple of Jesus is not easy, but it is worth it. Are we willing to put in the work?

All posts by Doug Jones, SJ
A native of Northeastern Pennsylvania, Doug loves that no matter where he goes, Jesuits seem to know his beloved home region as “The Area." After studies at The University of Scranton and Rutgers University, Doug entered the Jesuits in 2016. An avid traveler, Jesuit life has taken him to Lebanon, Egypt, Bolivia, and close to twenty U.S. states in just a few years. Doug is currently spending the "regency" stage of his formation as a postdoctoral fellow in political science at Fordham University in New York.
Joined in 2020
18 postsCan Lebanon Wake from Its Nightmare?
Lebanon continues to struggle through a crisis of leadership that has devastated multiple sectors of life. Amidst it all, the Lebanese people have shown great resilience.
Bring Your Gifts to Jesus! | One-Minute Homily
In the story of the multiplication of loaves, Jesus takes a few loaves and fish and makes them more than enough to feed 5000 people. Doug Jones, SJ, reflects on how Jesus can take whatever we bring to him and make it more than enough.
Life and Death Through Christ | One-Minute Homily
Today's readings remind us that God does not create death, but works to defeat death through the Resurrection. “The glory of God is the living human being.” - St. Irenaeus of Lyon. Hi, I’m Doug Jones, and this is my One Minute Reflection. ...
Competing National Visions: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Quest for Homeland
People are not born hating each other, and relations between nations and ethnicities are constantly changing and evolving. Poor knowledge of recent world history has led to Americans falling back on harmful stereotypes of the peoples of the Middle East, and to a complete misunderstanding of the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.
Pope Francis’ Silence on China
Whatever his reasons, Francis’ China policy has drawn both supporters and vehement critics. An outspoken pope’s silence on the moral challenges of the world’s largest country will remain jarring.
As We Anticipate Inauguration Day, What Should Christians Ask of Our Leaders?
At the beginning of a new presidential administration, and amid so much political turmoil, it’s more important than ever that Christians take a hard look at whether our leaders match up to his example.
The Politics of Pope Francis: Fratelli Tutti’s Message of Hope
“What’s love got to do with it?” In his latest encyclical, Pope Francis offers a vision of politics based on dialogue, encounter, and solidarity. These words may sound foreign or even naive in our world today, but the Holy Father reminds us that change starts with ordinary people.
Was Qassem Soleimani’s Assassination Ethical? Catholic Social Teaching Can Help
The assassination of one of Iran’s top generals may have prevented attacks on US citizens, but that doesn’t mean it was morally justifiable.