Everyone wants a short homily on Super Bowl Sunday. Here's yours! Enjoy this brief, but powerful homily from Brian Strassburger, SJ. Based on the readings for Sunday, February 4, which you can find here: http://bit.ly/2DKu37B.
All posts by Brian Strassburger, SJ
Brian was ordained a priest in June 2021. He is currently working in the diocese of Brownsville, TX on the US-Mexico border. Brian grew up in Denver, CO, and went to Regis Jesuit High School followed by college at Saint Louis University. As a Jesuit, he studied International Development at Fordham University, which inspired two and half years working at a Jesuit nonprofit in Managua, Nicaragua. After theology studies at Boston College, Brian was ordained and sent to a new mission of his province on the border. He helps at a local parish in Brownsville, accompanies migrants on both sides of the border, and co-hosts The Jesuit Border Podcast. Brian’s extracurricular activities include cheering on Denver sports teams, growing a beard, and enjoying fellowship over beers.
Joined in 2013 bstrassburgersj@thejesuitpost.org
85 postsCatholic Guide to 2018
Get out your calendar! Time for the Top 10 Catholic Events to look forward to in 2018.
Solidaridad con Honduras
Una carta de solidaridad de Padre Melo, un Jesuita trabajando entre la convulsionada realidad política hondureña después de las elecciones presidenciales fallidas.
Solidarity with Honduras
A letter of solidarity from Padre Melo, a Jesuit working amid the political tumult in Honduras.
Acoger al Forastero: la Campaña de Hospitalidad
Para la Fiesta de Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, TJP te ofrece algunos recursos sobre cómo acoger al forastero con un espíritu de hospitalidad.
Welcoming the Stranger: The Campaign for Hospitality
On the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, TJP has some resources for how to welcome the stranger in a spirit of hospitality.
Los Mártires Jesuitas de El Salvador: Lecciones para los Fieles
¿Qué podemos aprender de los 6 Jesuitas y 2 mujeres asesinados en El Salvador en 1989?
The Jesuit Martyrs of El Salvador: Lessons to the Faithful
What can we learn from the 6 Jesuits and 2 women who were murdered in El Salvador in 1989?
10 Ways to Celebrate Your 30th Birthday
Turning 30? It’s not a funeral: it’s a celebration!