Katie Grimes is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Theology and Religious Studies at Villanova University. Dr. Grimes’s recent books include Christ Divided: Antiblackness as Corporate Vice and Fugitive Saints: Catholicism and the Politcs of Slavery. Both...
Michael and Kelsey Petrany can hardly believe that two months ago they were worried about centerpieces. The restrictions of the pandemic made so many of their initial wedding plans impossible, including the presence of their parents, guests, and a reception. The...
Only two weeks remain in the Easter season, but for many of us we may still be waiting to feel the joy of celebrating Christ’s resurrection. It is the greatest cornerstone of our faith, and yet where is there new life, hope, triumph over death, and the glory of God in...
Jesus tells his disciples that he is sending an Advocate to be with us always. Jeff Ryan Miraflor, SJ, reflects on this message of hope in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, May 17. Christ is Risen! It’s still Easter! Hi, I’m Jeff...
This continues to be one of the most extraordinary Easter seasons of my entire life. You see, I’m a Jesuit in formation, but I’ve spent the past two months at my parents’ house. Instead of going through the stay-at-home trials and tribulations with my Jesuit community...
In my second year as a Jesuit, I was sent to work with a group of students at McQuaid Jesuit High School in Rochester, NY. 1 It wasn’t the assignment I was expecting. I had tried to plot my way into an assignment where I might work with theater students, live near...
Our country has been straining under the pressure of stay-at-home orders. When told to wear masks, people have responded with vitriol in forms such as spit, snot, profanity, and most tragically, murder. In a more organized and public form, people have expressed their...
There are many things that can trouble us right now, but Fr. Joe Laramie, SJ, reminds us of these words of Jesus: “Do not let your hearts be troubled.” Based on the readings for Sunday, May 10, 2020. Put your hand on your heart. What do you feel? Happy...
Content Warning: This piece contains language regarding suicide, self-harm, bullying, and trauma. I hate asking for help. But in August 2018, I finally walked into my superior’s office and asked for the recommendation of a therapist I could start seeing. I had to...
The good shepherd calls to his sheep by name. Damian Torres-Botello, SJ, reflects on how we learn to recognize the voice of the shepherd in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, May 03, 2020. Shepherds, sheep, and gates, oh my!...