What can a walk through the woods teach us about the Holy Spirit? Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on nature’s capacity to teach us about God. Based on the readings from Pentecost Sunday. On the feast of Pentecost, what can a walk through the woods tell us about the...
What does loving something mean? When someone says they love strawberries, we intuitively know that they mean eating strawberries. When someone says they love dogs, we know that they don’t mean eating dogs. What does someone mean when they say they love chickens or...
Where do you find joy? Carlos Martinez-Vela reflects that God’s love is most often reflected through our everyday relationships. Based on the readings from the Seventh Sunday of Easter. Where do you find joy? Hello, I am Carlos Martinez-Vela and this is my one...
Jesus said Christians should be known by their love. Angelo Canta, SJ, reflects on the call to love as a life-long process. Readings are from the Sixth Sunday of Easter. They will know we are Christians by our love. Hi, I’m Angelo and this is my one minute...
Can people truly change? Ian Peoples, SJ, reflects on Saul’s conversion to Paul is a model for our own conversions. Based on the readings from the Fifth Sunday of Easter. Do we believe that people can change? Hi, I’m Ian Peoples, and this is my One-Minute...
Easter is the greatest feast of the Christian year. Death has not had the final say. Christ has conquered the grave and has risen to new life. We have been imbued with the hope that we, too, might share in this life eternal. Alleluia! But one would hardly know this...
Jesus lays down his life for us, and he does it all with love. Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on how Jesus and the Father desire the same thing: to be in a relationship with us. Based on the readings for the Fourth Sunday of Easter. Like Father, like Son, like…”sheep”? Hi,...
After Jesus’s resurrection, he appears to the disciples doing simple things like eating a piece of baked fish. Carlos Martínez-Vela reflects on how Jesus teaches us to be human. Based on readings for the Third Sunday of Easter. Jesus was human, not superhuman....
Jesus gave Doubting Thomas exactly what he needed to move from doubt to belief. Angelo Canta, SJ, reflects on the importance of giving the Lord everything in prayer. Readings can be found here. Doubt is not the opposite of belief. Hi, I’m Angelo Canta, and this is my...
Often in life, we find ourselves in periods of waiting. While enduring a difficult situation or holding out hope, sometimes all we can do is wait. When these times come, we want to tell ourselves that the waiting will be worth it in the end – but it’s so difficult...