God Wants Us to Be Transformed| One-Minute Homily

by | Jan 19, 2025 | One-Minute Homily

Jesus’s first miracle was turning water into wine. Deacon Tommy O’Donnell, SJ, reflects on how we Jesus transforms our lives into something extraordinary. Based on the readings for the Second Sunday in Ordinary Time.

I wish I could change water into wine!

Hi I’m Deacon Tommy O’Donell and this is my one-minute homily. 

We should take note that Jesus’s first miracle in John’s gospel takes place at a wedding. We read in Isaiah, “As a young man marries a virgin, your Builder shall marry you.”  As a married couple rejoices in one another, this is how close God wants to be with us. And when we allow this marriage to take place, it’s like water becomes wine. 

You see, God wants us to participate in God’s glory. So, he leaves it to us to offers ourselves, the water, to be transformed. We become wine by drawing close to Jesus, rejoicing in his presence and “doing whatever he tells” us.

And here’s the best part – Christ doesn’t just make us into two buck chuck. No, He makes us into the best wine…the kind fit for kings and queens! And that is rightly so, because that is precisely what he plans to make us! 


Tommy O'Donnell

todonnell@jesuits.org   /   All posts by Tommy
