A Walk in the Woods | One-Minute Homily

by | May 19, 2024 | One-Minute Homily

What can a walk through the woods teach us about the Holy Spirit? Rob Lorenz, SJ, reflects on nature’s capacity to teach us about God. Based on the readings from Pentecost Sunday.

On the feast of Pentecost, what can a walk through the woods tell us about the Holy Spirit?

Hi I’m Rob Lorenz and this is my one-minute reflection.  

If you’re a hiker, chances are you might have crashed right through a spider web at least once in your life.   Not a pleasant experience, but have you ever noticed how the spider immediately starts to rebuild the web?  Before long the orb is as good as new, in plenty of time for the next hiker to crash through it again!

The spider’s persistence in its own way points to the same God that is revealed in today’s readings: a God intent on rebuilding and restoring.  The Holy Spirit is constantly at work breaking down barriers of misunderstanding and fear, healing division, forgiving sin, guiding us to all truth, and as St. Paul tells us, infusing our hearts with “love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, and gentleness.”  

Where in your life is God encouraging you, healing you, and inviting you to share in His mission of repairing a broken world?


Rob Lorenz

rlorenz3@gmail.com   /   All posts by Rob
