Facing Our Fears With Christ | One-Minute Homily

by | Mar 3, 2024 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

What if the thing you fear the most holds the key to your freedom? Christian Verghese, S.J. invites us to reflect on how through the resurrection we can face our fears to find freedom and embrace love to discover joy. You can find the readings here.

What if the thing you fear the most holds the key to your freedom?

Hi, I’m Christian Verghese and this is my one minute reflection. 

Our Lenten journey goes deeper than simply obeying the commandments delivered from Sinai in the first reading today. It’s about embracing Christ crucified, an act not of glorifying suffering but of facing our deepest fears with divine love.

Inspired by Jesus’ audacity, we’re urged to cleanse our own temples of what separates us from God. Through the commandments, we begin this transformative journey, but in Christ crucified, we find our courage to face our fears and discover the resurrection’s light.

Step into the darkness with faith, and emerge into the light of freedom and joy. Embrace this journey of love, guided by the lessons of Lent and the promise of Easter.

Face fear, find freedom. Embrace love, discover joy. This is our call.


Christian Verghese

cverghesesj@thejesuitpost.org   /   All posts by Christian
