We all have a calling from God – a vocation. On this Feast of the Annunciation, Christopher Alt, SJ, explores Mary’s own vocation story through Botticelli’s art.
All of us have a calling from God – a vocation. On today’s Feast of the Annunciation, we hear Mary’s vocation story.
Hi, I’m Christopher Alt and this is my One-Minute Reflection.
Botticelli’s Annunciation is a primer on discernment.

Sandro Botticelli, The Annunciation, 1489
First, notice how Gabriel, God’s stand-in, approaches Mary with humility. So, too, God approaches us with tender compassion. God is not interested in coercion but desires our consent and cooperation.
Second, notice Mary’s body language. She pulls back and she reaches out. So too with us. When God calls, it’s normal to feel confused and ambivalent. But, like Mary, we too can let our deepest desires lead us forward.
And finally, notice that while Mary is greeted at home, her “Yes” will draw her out of her comfort zone and into the wider world. Our vocation moment always leads to mission.
Where is God calling you today?
How will you respond?