Finding Good Soil: The Parable of the Sower | One-Minute Homily

by | Jul 12, 2020 | One-Minute Homily, Videos

Will God’s word find fertile soil in our hearts? Newly ordained Fr. David Romero, SJ, talks about the Parable of the Sower in this week’s One-Minute Homily. Based on the readings for Sunday, July 12, 2020.

‘Whoever has ears ought to hear.’ Ok, Jesus, I’m all ears!

Hi, I’m David Romero, and this is my One-Minute Homily.

Today we hear Jesus’ Parable of the Sower. God is the sower and our hearts are the soil. I see the barren places, the dry patches and the fertile parts in myself.

To which do I pay attention? Do I have the soil of an open heart toward Jesus and his way of life? I’m invited to appreciate where God’s word has taken root in me and ask God’s help to remain open.

But let’s also imagine ourselves as the sower. We’re called to share our seeds of faith with others. How we live our lives can speak louder than words. How do our thoughts, words, and deeds truly reflect the Gospel?

All the words of Jesus don’t bear fruit. But this didn’t stop him from speaking. He continued to proclaim the good news of love, truth, and life to any who would listen. Let’s pray for the strength to do likewise – even when we don’t notice immediate results.


David Romero, SJ   /   All posts by David
