One-Minute Homily: “Nobody is Perfect”

by | Sep 15, 2019 | One-Minute Homily

Are you perfect? Then this may not be the reflection for you. Brian Strassburger, SJ, reminds us that God’s perfect mercy is Jesus’ answer to our imperfections. Based on the readings for Sunday, September 15, 2019, which you can read here:

So tell me, are you perfect?…

Hello?? Of course not! None of us is perfect!

Hi, I’m Brian Strassburger and this is my one-minute reflection.

We hear from St. Paul today: “Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners. Of these I am the foremost.” That’s right: the great St. Paul the Apostle considered himself the foremost of all sinners. He knew that he wasn’t perfect.

But St. Paul also recognized the greatness of God’s mercy. Jesus didn’t come to save the perfect, he came to save sinners, like you and me. Even with all our imperfections, God constantly invites us to turn our hearts back to God.

Where do you need God’s mercy in your life today? Have you placed false idols, like wealth and success, above God? Have you damaged relationships with family or friends? Have you been caught in a cycle of sinful habits?

Bring your sinfulness to God. Go to the Sacrament of Confession, even if it’s been a while. Let yourself feel God’s compassion and loving embrace.

Doesn’t that sound perfect?


Brian Strassburger, SJ   /   All posts by Brian
